Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can you ship to my country?
If UPS or FedEX can ship there, so can we! If you’re unable to see your Country in the drop down list please contact us with your adress and we’ll check the availiability.

How do I get in touch?
Send an email to
Collaborations inquiries:

Are VAT and other Import fees or taxes included in the price?
If you live within the European Union, all fees are covered and you will not receive any additional fees to receive your package. If you live outside of the European Union, VAT and/or other fees for import are not included and may apply for the customer.
We do not have the possibility of estimating these quotes and recommend you to check with your regional customs authority. Please note that should you, as the receiver, chose to decline these charges upon delivery, Oliver LaPorte will have to settle them in order to get the shipment in return. This sum will be deducted from your refund as a restocking fee.

What’s the delivery time?
Orders with a value over €100 is usually around 3 – 5 business days world wide.

In areas where UPS/FedEX does not delivery we reserve the right to use another carrier.

Where is my package?
For any questions regarding your delivery, please refer to the carrier as they are the organisation responsible for the delivery. It’s usually also the fastest way of acquiring the information you seek.
When you have completed your order, you will receive a confirmation e-mail and, as soon as the shipment is created, an e-mail with your tracking information. All our international orders are sent via UPS/FedEx and can be traced via their homepage, for domestic orders we use DHL.

Please note that confirmation e-mails quite often ends up in spam boxes.

My credit card was declined?
Our service provider requires certain fraud-prevention schemes from your service provider and will not be able to accept your credit card otherwise. The best way to process a purchase if your card got denied is to simply use PayPal. Please note that PayPal is much easier to utilize than it used to be.

Can you produce a custom watch?
At the current point in time it is not something we do.

Are you able to engrave?
No, we do not have the possibility to engrave.

Are you able to declare a lower value on my shipment?
No, we will always declare the correct value.

Why haven’t I received an order confirmation, did my order go through?
In the event of a missing order confirmation, please make sure to double check your spam folders/boxes.

As long as funds has been deducted from your account you can be certain that your order has been processed. If you didn’t received your confirmation e-mail and it isn’t in your spam folder, reach out to our customer support at and we will help you out.

Can I change my order after it is completed?
Sure, just shoot us a message at

How do I perform a return?
It is very easy, just shoot us a message at and we will help you out. 
You are eligible for a full refund if your unused product are returned within 30 days in its original packaging with its original tags/documents.  Please note that Oliver LaPorte only reimburses the shipping fee for shipments containing a watch/watches.

When do I receive the money back from my return?
We usually process refunds at the end of the same week we received your product.

My packaging or product is defect, what should I do?
Your satisfaction is very important to us, please contact us at and include a picture or two of the defect.
Please do not return your product without consulting our customer care.

Can I change my product for another?
Sure, as long as the product is in unused/pristine condition and within two weeks of the purchase. Just shoot us a message at

I need my watch serviced or repaired?
Send us an e-mail on and please include a picture or two of your issue.
Average handling times for repairs are 4-6 weeks including shipping.

What about the warranty?
Warranty for our products is one year from purchase date.
Please note that the warranty does not cover batteries and/or leather straps (as is practice in the watch industry). The warranty does not cover any damage on any part of the watch resulting from abnormal use, lack of care, negligence, accidents, incorrect use of the watch and non-observance of the directions provided by Oliver LaPorte. 

How do I change straps?
If you do not possess a “spring bar removal tool” we recommend you to pay a visit to your local watch store.

How do I clean my strap?
We recommend that you use products specifically created for washing-up leather. Soap and water will discolor and desiccate leather straps.

What methods of payment do you offer?
We currently offer PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay and regular payment, via these services you can use most debit and credit cards.

Can I expect the color of my product to look the same in reality as in the pictures?
Yes, it’s worth noting, however, that different monitors/screens/panels projects colors differently. Our pictures has been optimized for viewing on the most common devices.

Are your watches waterproof?
Yes, our Premier Collection 42 watches are waterproof up to 3ATM. However, to avoid damaging your leather strap we suggest you take your watch off before jumping in the shower (or in the ocean for that matter).

How do I find out about your future releases?
The most secure way to find out about the latest news is to sign up to our newsletter via the front page of our website. Also make sure to follow our channels on social media.




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